If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us. We would like to hear from you.
Uncle Jack Charles deleivers a moving speech to open proceedings
defeated 3PBS/3RRR MEGAHERTZ 6.3.39
The Silver Jubilee Espy Rockdogs celebrate their five point win
As the sun sets on Victoria Park and the Rockdogs celebrate their win, Reclink Australia founder Peter Cullen is still hard at work collecting
much needed loose change for his Reclink programs
Great to see Victoria Park packed with fans again
Love is love
Full C31 Broadcast It's on again folks!
Footy is back and so is the Reclink Community Cup national roadshow, coming to seven cities in 2018. Our national theme for this year is Everyday People (Sly & the Family Stone) - a fitting theme as this unique community event brings people of all walks of life together for a fun day of footy, community, family and music.
Reclink Australia will use the funds raised through these events to expand our services, providing people with opportunities to participate in sport, recreation, arts and pathways to employment.
Victoria Park event map by Fred Negro www.frednegro.com.au Click on the map above to get a larger printable version
Because the Reclink Community Cup is a charity event we advise that Pre-sale tickets are 100% valid for immediate entry between 11am and 2.30pm.
If you arrive after 2.30pm we cannot guarantee that the event will not be at capacity; thus you may have to wait for a customer to leave before you can enter the event. Holders of a valid ticket will be given priority over those purchasing a ticket at the gate. In past years, this event has sold out and we hope you understand this policy will ensure crowd safety.
This is an all ages event. * Intoxicated persons will not be admitted * The venue reserves the right to refuse admission to any person * Dangerous behaviour including Crowd Surfing, Stage Diving, Moshing and Violent Dancing is not allowed and will result in your immediate removal from this venue.